[Translate to English:] Modul-Icon PSIpenta ERP Leitstand

Finite Capacity Scheduler Helps You Prevent Bottlenecks and Meet Deadlines

Tight schedules, high pressure on prices, strict quality specifications: manufacturing companies work within an especially tight framework. Particularly in production planning, it is therefore important to deploy the available resources and capacities efficiently, taking account of the multi-layered interrelationships, and keeping a constant eye on them.

As it can be coupled with any ERP system, PSIpenta/Advanced Scheduling & Monitoring goes significantly further than conventional control center solutions. Apart from an individually definable “frozen zone” and planning against limited capacities, this planning tool also offers a variety of simulation options which can be extended as required using AI.

modul advanced scheduling and monitoring

Benefits for You

Optimized Detailed Planning

  • Resource planning to prevent limited or unlimited capacities

  • Variety of possibilities for simulation and comparing various scenarios

  • Extensive visualization options in Gantt diagrams and charts

  • Flexible configuration options for views and system behavior

  • Integrated interface framework and reporting

  • Project-specific extensibility of the data model via a web portal

Would you like to optimize your production using AI?

 Qualicision® technology enables the multicriteria optimization of production processes, where the sequencing of orders is organized in line with variable target criteria. This sequencing is also automatically adapted to changes in the logistics conditions or to the optimization target criteria.


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[Translate to English:] Ansprechpartnerin PSIpenta ERP und MES

Gabriele Kamphoff

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