[Translate to English:] Modul-Icon PSIpenta ERP Personalmanagement

HR Integrated into ERP

Whether payroll accounting, determining and paying social security contributions, or the centralized maintenance of personnel data: Optimal staff management requires processes that are free from error.

This means that software used for Human Resources management has one main objective: Reduce work for the Human Resources department. The Human Resources ERP module effectively supports your core payroll activities, meaning all tasks are performed quickly and on time. Its wide range of field-tested services optimally meets the needs of manufacturing companies.

[Translate to English:] Screenshot Modul Personalmanagement

Benefits for You

Fast and On schedule

  • Support with the billing process: Fast and punctual completion of core tasks

  • Integration of HR in ERP ensures smooth processes

  • User-friendly: Plausibility checking and an intelligent search system

  • GKV (statutory health insurance) certification from ITSG (Informationstechnische Servicestelle der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung GmbH) for payroll accounting guarantees maximum security

  • Test routines, DEÜV (German Regulation for Data Collection and Transfer) and ELSTER (electronic transmission of tax declaration) compatibility and GDPdU (standard audit file) interface

  • Submission-ready forms for public authorities

Your Contact

[Translate to English:] Ansprechpartnerin PSIpenta ERP und MES

Gabriele Kamphoff

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We compressed even more compact information in our image brochure for you.

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