[Translate to English:] Modul-Icon PSIpenta MES Auftragsmanagement und Reihenfolgeplanung

Order Management & Detail Planning for Smarter Production

Do you want to optimize your production planning, save costs and become more efficient? If, for example, restrictions, resource availability, and objectives (e.g. deadlines, priorities) could be factored in simultaneously, and in real time?

Our order management and detail planning optimize synergies in your manufacturing process. Detail planning forms a control loop with the higher-level ERP system and updates the production schedule accordingly. In this way, up-to-date order information is available at all times and deviations can be dealt with at an early stage.

[Translate to English:] Bildschirmausschnitt Auftragsmanagement PSIpenta MES

Benefits for You

Smarter Planning

  • Planning tool for efficient and agile production

  • Factoring in of limited resources

  • Multicriteria optimization

  • Always up to date: Feedback from production is immediately incorporated into planning

  • Graphical presentation of deadlines, processing progress, and status

  • Simulation mode lets you play out scenarios

Would you like to optimize your production using AI?

Qualicision® technology enables the multicriteria optimization of production processes, where the sequencing of orders is organized in line with variable target criteria. This sequencing is also automatically adapted to changes in the logistics conditions or to the optimization target criteria.

Find out more »



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[Translate to English:] Ansprechpartnerin PSIpenta ERP und MES

Gabriele Kamphoff


[Translate to English:] Einblick PSIpenta MES Flyer

We compressed even more compact information in our MES-flyer for you. 

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